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Have a different company that needs the help of a call center? At TKIAMA we can help with that. We will look for the option that best suits your type of business.




The user license will allow you to have the operating system available in your facilities if you wish to schedule patients yourself. This can be done easily and from any location.


Corporate Design

Corporate Design

We have an expert team of designers who will advise you, be able to make your website, make posters for the entrance of your office, business cards, recipes or whatever you have in mind so that your patients know what steps they should take when they arrive and you project good communication to them. This is personalized and our designers will take note of your ideas and help guide you to have the best plan for you or your medical center.

Secretarial duties

Secretarial duties

We know that patients can have may concerns, so we take down their messages and forward them a specific response given to your patients. You may want to leave a general list of responses to patient concerns.




We have an automatic and effective system to remind your patients of their scheduled appointments.

WHEN THE APPOINTMENT IS MADE: after finalizing the scheduled appointment our system will send an email to the patient confirming the appointment was scheduled. It will include detailed information from the healthcare provider or physician, patient information, appointment address location with a link to google maps, the day and time scheduled, a photo of the medical center or building, and if necessary, any preparations the patient needs to do before the appointment.

TWO DAYS BEFORE THE APPOINTMENT: if, for example, the appointment was scheduled on the 2nd of the month and it is for the 15th of that month, two days before, on the 13th, an email will be sent to the patient reminding them of their appointment with all the detailed information.

ONE DAY BEFORE THE APPOINTMENT: the day before the appointment the patient will receive a text message or SMS to the number registered by the patient. If we continue with the previous example, the patient would receive the message on the 14th of the month. This would ensure that whoever has or who does not have internet access would receive the reminder.

Upon request, the TKIAMA Call Center can also contact patients by phone and call them the day before an appointment.


Call Center for Healthcare Providers and Physicians

Call Center for Healthcare Providers and Physicians

We have trained personnel to receive calls, schedule or cancel appointments, reschedule appointments to fill open slots in the schedule and call patients. Our PBX (Private Branch Exchange) telephone system allows for calls to be passed on to another operator if the first one is busy. This is how we are able to assist several patients at one time.

For healthcare providers, we have exclusive independent lines that are managed for them alone. Calls for healthcare providers are channeled through these independent lines without affecting the calls for independent physicians. Hours of attention and the number of personnel assigned will be determined at the time of the consult.

INDEPENDENT physician’s call center hours will follow that of the TKIAMA Call center’s schedule.

Easy access for your patients to information

Easy access for your patients to information

Can you imagine being able to periodically receive recommendations, suggestions and tips from your General Practitioner? Many times, we go to a consultation and we receive a lot of information about our medical situation and the treatment we must follow. Although we consider everything from the physician to be important, what is true that after a few days or weeks we forget important details that we were told. But what if there was a place where your doctor could share more complete information and up-to date treatment options with you? Wouldn't that be very useful?

Absolutely! Not only is it better for understanding the condition you may suffer from but also to be able to share valuable information that you may need to help your loved ones. That’s why, this space has been created so that patients receive first-hand personalized information from their doctors.
One of the main objectives is to educate the community through new channels that allow the patient to receive constant, updated and personalized care. Below are a list of the main advantages to this:


1- one step ahead: Be updated in different medical fields, even if it is basic information and better understand how certain pathologies develop.

2- Understanding pathologies: Medicine is constantly changing and advancing due to new research and trials. New treatments and recommendations may come out. What worked yesterday may not tomorrow.   

                3- Adapt to change: The great advances in medicine that we have experienced over the years have shown us the need to have multiple inform

4- Clarify risks and benefits: Certain factors (food, lifestyle, stress) can improve or worsen our health. Identifying them is key to improving our quality of life.

The clinical history of some patients may contain information that their doctor considers important or relevant to publish. In this way, your medical history can contribute or even motivate others.

Advantages of Outsourcing Your Patient services

Advantages of Outsourcing Your Patient services

Many think that hiring a Call Center is only for large companies with thousands or millions of customers. But the reality is that today, more than ever, the service provided by Call Centers have become an indispensable requirement to continue providing quality attention and to impact new audiences.

But, how do you know if your company needs to hire a Call Center? The key is to understand the needs of your business and take measures that guarantee its constant and stable growth. If you want a quality customer service that impacts new customers and maintains loyal ones, a call center is an excellent ally. Identifying the need that the company has is vital to choose the right service.

A great advantage to Call Center services is that you save huge costs on software licensing, equipment, and staffing. That’s the reason outsourcing telephone services is the best option.

Hiring a Call Center is an excellent decision because they have qualified agents with great experience, high-tech teams and, above all, a staff committed to its clients.

Take advantage of technology

Take advantage of technology

it is important now more than ever to have more access to health services. Patients don’t only need to be attended by a healthcare professional, but also throughout the scheduling process, to receive more timely and dignified care. Many health centers are incorporating online appointment requests into their user services.

But what are the advantages?

We all know that sometimes scheduling an appointment becomes an annoying and tedious process. That’s because you have to travel to the medical office, regardless of whether it is near or far from the patient’s home, stand in a long line and wait. The situation can become desperate if documents are missing and the process must be repeated another day. Some people even have to go through all this just to ask for information because there is no other way to get it.
In situations like these, requesting appointments online is the best solution. Here are some benefits:

Saving time: the patient no longer has to invest time to travel to an office or wait in long lines. Operators are attentive to answer questions and requests.
Saving money: There are no expenses for transportation.
Quality of life: This is definitely the best benefit. The system is designed to guarantee quality care, without lines, without getting up early. An easier process from the comfort of the patient’s home.
For these and other reasons, our online patient appointment system is a new strategy that has been implemented to expand healthcare channels, guarantee quality service, and provide greater access to health services. Have questions? Contact us and one of our advisors will answer your questions.