The Influence of One’s Lifestyle on Health

"Tell me what you do and I will tell you how your health is." A simple phrase but it makes us think. The reality is that our eating habits, exercise plans and drug use have a direct impact on our health and quality of life.
Following a healthy lifestyle may fight off many diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, respiratory problems, and hormonal disorders. In addition, it increases self-esteem and satisfaction in daily activities. While it is true that one’s lifestyle is determined by social processes, traditions, parenting, habits and behaviors, making small changes will have a positive impact on one’s health and will encourage others to do the same.

Some small changes that make the difference are:
A reduction in the consumption of sugar in one’s diet: Avoiding processed sweets (cakes, chocolate, cookies) after 2 in the afternoon. Gradually reducing the amount of sugar in your drinks.
Do some physical activity 3 days a week: Any activity that requires physical exercise, such as like soccer, tennis or basketball. Dancing and cycling also works. And if, instead of using transportation, consider walking. This will also contribute to better health.
Protect Yourself from the Sun: Use sunscreen every day. Wear sunglasses to protect the eyes.
One or two changes can be done to start. Once they have been followed for 3 weeks, add more positive changes. Little by little new habits will be established. In a few weeks your health will thank you.

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