Easy access for your patients to information

Can you imagine being able to periodically receive recommendations, suggestions and tips from your General Practitioner? Many times, we go to a consultation and we receive a lot of information about our medical situation and the treatment we must follow. Although we consider everything from the physician to be important, what is true that after a few days or weeks we forget important details that we were told. But what if there was a place where your doctor could share more complete information and up-to date treatment options with you? Wouldn't that be very useful?

Absolutely! Not only is it better for understanding the condition you may suffer from but also to be able to share valuable information that you may need to help your loved ones. That’s why, this space has been created so that patients receive first-hand personalized information from their doctors.
One of the main objectives is to educate the community through new channels that allow the patient to receive constant, updated and personalized care. Below are a list of the main advantages to this:


1- one step ahead: Be updated in different medical fields, even if it is basic information and better understand how certain pathologies develop.

2- Understanding pathologies: Medicine is constantly changing and advancing due to new research and trials. New treatments and recommendations may come out. What worked yesterday may not tomorrow.   

                3- Adapt to change: The great advances in medicine that we have experienced over the years have shown us the need to have multiple inform

4- Clarify risks and benefits: Certain factors (food, lifestyle, stress) can improve or worsen our health. Identifying them is key to improving our quality of life.

The clinical history of some patients may contain information that their doctor considers important or relevant to publish. In this way, your medical history can contribute or even motivate others.

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