Notice of Privacy

Tkiama call center informs you that by providing us with any personal data, you are giving us your explicit consent for all the data you provide to us to be processed in the manner and for the purpose described in the following privacy policy in compliance with laws and regulations of data protection regulations.
Personal data is collected and stored and will be processed according to the related purposes, in the same way to send appointment reminders by email and text message or email newsletters.
These requested personal and contact data will be kept in the database during the time of the contractual or legal relationship with the shareholder or interested party who owns the information for the sole purpose of meeting requests from authorities and / or statistical purposes.
As the owner of the information, you have rights to know, update, and rectify your personal data at any time, as well as request the revocation of authorization, or request the deletion of data when the treatment, the principles, rights or constitutional and legal guarantees are not respected., in addition to free access to your personal data.
We are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy, so you can decide if you will provide us with information that is considered personal, we refer to information such as your name, date of birth, telephone number, contact number, email address, or any other information that serves to identify you.

For inquiries, complaints or claims, you can send your request to the following email:

Data processing policy

Data processing policy

If you decide to carry out any action that requires entering your personal data or that of a family member, you are accepting the data treatment policy, as well as the data being collected, stored and processed in order to fulfill your request.
All the personnel in charge of the treatment of personal data and any third party involved in the treatment of personal information are obliged to respect the confidentiality of their information. We keep your personal data only for as long as necessary and for the purpose for which it was collected or to comply with legal information or document retention requirements.

Minors (Children, Teenagers)

If a person is considered a minor in the country in which they access our site and decide to provide their personal data on this website, they must have the consent of at least one of their parents or their legal guardian. If you are a parent or legal guardian and consent to a minor to provide your personal data on this website, you are agreeing to the minor using this site in accordance with this privacy policy.

Authorization Of The Personal Data Holder

As a general rule, in the treatment of personal data, the prior and informed authorization of the owner will be collected, which may be obtained by any means that may be subject to subsequent consultation.


Debido a los posibles cambios que pueden ocurrir en la sociedad, así como a los cambios en las nuevas y mejoradas leyes, tecnología o servicios incorporados, nuestras prácticas de procesamiento de datos pueden modificarse para garantizar el máximo cumplimiento de las leyes y al mismo tiempo se sienta seguro. Si es necesario, los cambios se comunicarán en este sitio web para que sepamos qué información recopilamos y cómo la usamos.


Updated August 1, 2020.