
We have an automatic and effective system to remind your patients of their scheduled appointments.

WHEN THE APPOINTMENT IS MADE: after finalizing the scheduled appointment our system will send an email to the patient confirming the appointment was scheduled. It will include detailed information from the healthcare provider or physician, patient information, appointment address location with a link to google maps, the day and time scheduled, a photo of the medical center or building, and if necessary, any preparations the patient needs to do before the appointment.

TWO DAYS BEFORE THE APPOINTMENT: if, for example, the appointment was scheduled on the 2nd of the month and it is for the 15th of that month, two days before, on the 13th, an email will be sent to the patient reminding them of their appointment with all the detailed information.

ONE DAY BEFORE THE APPOINTMENT: the day before the appointment the patient will receive a text message or SMS to the number registered by the patient. If we continue with the previous example, the patient would receive the message on the 14th of the month. This would ensure that whoever has or who does not have internet access would receive the reminder.

Upon request, the TKIAMA Call Center can also contact patients by phone and call them the day before an appointment.

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